
We at Kalpavruksha aim at providing the best we can to our patients. Here is a glimpse of what we offer, however we welcome you to our premises whenever you wish.

Geriatric care

Geriatrics is a science of medicine which deals with medical & health problems of elderly people aged above 60 years. We offer Geriatric care to people who are old and frail or people with some chronic or degenerative diseases who need continuing support once they leave hospital, as their illness may prevent them from leading an independent life.

Terminal care

Terminal care is a long-term illness care which may or may not be curable. We take utmost care in ensuring solutions for quality of stay and well-being, be an emotional support to the patient and the family when the end is near.

Assisted Care (Long term and Short term)

Aging parents and their working children face these challenging situations when the parent has had a fall or undergone a surgery which requires skilled care for weeks or months to follow. Additional services and care may be needed if your aging loved one is battling a debilitating disease such as Parkinson’s or Dementia that requires more substantial and ongoing long term care.

Short term services last several weeks or few months while the patient is recovering from a sudden illness, injury or surgery. In these instances, a skilled nurse may be needed for dressing wounds, dispensing medications and monitoring vital signs. Following a stroke, a visiting physical or speech therapist might also be needed to help your parent learn to walk or speak again. Once your loved one has recovered, these services will no longer be needed.

Kalpavruksha offers long term and short term Assisted Care to meet all these needs while enabling the elder to continue living as independently as he/she wants.

Old Age Home – Home for Senior

Kalpavruksha offers old age home facility as well - a residence where senior citizens are cared for and where they can live at ease and can be looked after since they can't do so themselves. Old age often brings along retirement, loneliness, tiredness and willingness to give up easily; however, at our facility the elders can engage in making new in-house friends, find joy in their hobbies and library without looking into the daily nuances. Specially trained geriatric doctors, trained nurses and other caregivers are available round the clock for day to day routine.

Post-Operative care (Care after discharge from Hospital)

Postoperative care is the care you need after a surgical procedure. It includes pain management, physiotherapy, medication and wound care. The type of postoperative care you require depends on the type of surgery you have undergone.

Postoperative care begins immediately after surgery for the duration of your hospital stay, and continues after your discharge from the hospital.

Depending on the type of surgery you have, there are many potential complications in the postoperative period. General complications include infection, problems at the surgical site, and blood clots due to inactivity. Inactivity which is prolonged may cause loss of muscle strength, etc.

In some cases, you may not be able to care for yourself for a time after surgery. If so, you will need a caregiver to heal wounds, prepare food, or help you move around safely. If you don’t have a family member or friend who can help and also need right post-operative care, Kalpavruksha welcomes you till the time you recover.


Rehabilitation is a treatment or treatments designed to facilitate the process of recovery from injury, illness, or disease to as normal a condition as possible. The purpose of rehabilitation is to restore some or all of the patient's physical, sensory, and mental capabilities that were lost due to injury, illness, or disease. Rehabilitation includes assisting the patient to compensate for deficits that cannot be reversed medically. It is prescribed after many types of injury, illness, or disease, including amputations, arthritis, cancer, cardiac disease, neurological problems, orthopedic injuries, spinal cord injuries, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries. It includes Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.

Day Care/ Short Term Stay

Kalpavruksha welcomes your aging parents for a day visit or a short term stay as well. If you are working, want to go for holiday (short term), any project abroad which demands travel for a few weeks, Kalpavruksha is an excellent and a safe alternative for the elderly to stay.

Kalpavruksha Clinic

Kalpavruksha Clinic specializes in this branch of health care dealing with the problems of aging and diseases of the aged; it is related to the science of Gerontology which is the study of the aging process in all its aspects, social as well as biologic. Geriatrics grows increasingly important as modern medicine and a rising standard of living lengthen life expectancy and increase the proportion of aged persons in society.

An important part of geriatrics is helping older persons live happy and satisfying lives. Our Kalpavruksha Geriatric specialists encourage their patients to follow useful and interesting pursuits and to adopt a sound mental attitude toward aging itself. The prevention of disease is also important in geriatrics, and stress is placed on suitable exercise, rest, and nutrition, and on maintenance of proper body weight. Regular and thorough medical examinations are another essential factor in the control of illness.

At Kalpavruksha, there is also concern for the older person's psychological welfare, such as social contacts, economic security, interest in living, work opportunities after retirement, and continuing sense of belonging to society. We believe that health of mind is essential to the health of the body. Our trained Geriatric care doctors conduct OPD especially for seniors twice a day. And a senior expert doctor is available for counseling to seniors, patients & their family members.

Ambulance Service

We provide 24 x 7 ambulance services.

Home Care and Doctor visit
  • •   Doctors consultation & treatment at Homes comfort.
  • •   Help with all aspects of personal hygiene and dressing
  • •   Assistance with toilet use and continence problems
  • •   Help with feeding
  • •   Teaching families basic nursing tasks
  • •   Nutritional advice
  • •   Administration of medicines
  • •   Helping with mobility/ambulation
  • •   Provision of emotional support
  • •   Providing someone to stay with the patient